Thursday 5 February 2015

Harry Potter Book Night

Happy Harry Potter Book Night everyone!

'What is the Harry Potter Book Night?' I hear you cry. Well, it's a celebration of the Harry Potter books and is primarily aimed at schools and libraries to promote the stories (and reading) to younger generations. It is run by Bloomsbury publishers and individuals and organisations could register in advance to receive an emailed pack which contained quiz questions, game ideas, decorations etc for their own event. Lots of info can be found on their website here and you can follow the fun on Twitter and Facebook by using the hashtag #HarryPotterBookNight

This is the first such night and, hopefully, it will be a massive success and will grow into even bigger and better celebrations.

Unfortunately the events in my neck of the woods are very much child-orientated so, as a 26 year old with no kids of my own, I would stick out like an over-enthusiastic sore thumb amongst the family-friendly revelry.

Maybe next year they will run some events for old gits too. Until then, I'll celebrate in my own quiet way....

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